Dear friends in Christ, 

After conversation with the Wardens, we have made the decision to remain online only for our services for the next two Sundays (January 16th & 23rd). 

We know that we are all in different places with what we are comfortable with/not comfortable with at this time, and so I thank you for your patience and understanding as we try to do the best we can to care for the vulnerable members of our society, as well as the helpers. 

If you need some support or would like to have a visit or chat, please contact me. 

The services will be on Zoom (links in upcoming emails), as well as recorded an uploaded to our YouTube channel and website. Please share this information with others!

The last two Sundays’ services are now up.

January 2nd:

January 9th:

Please pray for myself, the wardens, St. John’s, and those who are sick and struggling. 

May Christ, who always shows up at surprising times and in unexpected places, be with you and bless you, and those you love. 

You brother in Christ,