I invite you therefore, in the name of the Lord,

to observe a holy Lent

by self-examination, penitence, prayer,

fasting, and ALMSGIVING,

and by reading and meditating on the word of God.

(Exhortation from Ash Wednesday Service, BAS pg.282)


One of the most consistent calls from both the Old and New Testaments is to care for the vulnerable and exploited members of our communities, confronting us with the reality that we so often fail to do so. That is why almsgiving has always been one of the core disciplines of Lent. 

The practice calls us to face the brokenness of our world; to face the continuing reality of the conditions that allow for the working poor, exploitation, homelessness, addiction, hunger and poverty to flourish.

The call to practice almsgiving reminds us that there are people who need help, and that they need it now. It reminds us that we can do something about that, that we can make a difference for somebody today. 

How will you practice almsgiving this Lenten season?

Maybe, during Lent, when you are getting groceries, you can buy an extra meal and drop it off at the church for the foodbank. Maybe you can explore going down to spend some time at Helping Hands. Maybe you can donate to the work of PWRDF, or another organization that offers immediate and long-term relief to those in need. Maybe you can carry money around with you this Lent, to give to those you see begging in the street.

This week, I invite you to practice almsgiving, and to pray for the vulnerable and exploited in our community, and in the wider world.

Thanks be to God!