Just under two weeks until Jessica and I are married. Woah! That came fast. 

Weddings, for me, are not just about the two individuals getting married. They are just as much about community coming together to pray, bless, witness, and celebrate a union which points us, I hope, to the union of the Trinity, to the communion of love that God shares with all creation, that we are all called to participate in. 

This is why I am beyond grateful that we get to celebrate together this Sunday, that we get to receive, from a community that means so much to us, your prayers and blessings in anticipation of June 24th. 

This is, for me, also why we chose as the gospel reading for our marriage liturgy, Luke 13:18-21 – the parables of the mustard seed and of the yeast. Because a marriage is not only for the benefit and blessing of the two individuals involved. Like a little seed that grows into a tree where the birds of the air may find a home, like a woman mixing yeast and flour together to bake an incredible abundance of bread to share with others, this union, I believe and pray, may be for the benefit of many, for the blessing of the world. 

Thanks be to God!