This past week, I happened to give a ride to a young person in their 20’s I had never met before. As we were talking, it came out that I am a minister. 

Uh oh. The cat was of the bag. I had been found out. 

As we continued our conversation, it also came out that I have a degree in biology, and that I “believe” in evolution; that I don’t find science and religion to be incompatible or antagonistic. 

They did not know that this was possible – this was news to them.

As we continued our conversation, it came out that in the church that I was a part of, that LGBTQ+ people were loved and welcomed, and that it was common for them, as well as women, to be in important leadership positions. 

They did not know that this was possible - this was news to them. 

I had the opportunity to bring news to this person – good news – this was a moment of evangelism. 

Sadly, this happens way too often, in my experience – people hearing for the first time that following Jesus could possibly look like this. It is sad because, for me anyway, it is not news: it’s not new, or edgy, or ground-breaking.

I think part of the reason why this continues to be news is that we have been too quiet. We have not been very good at telling our stories. We have not been very good at sharing the good news of God in Christ – of evangelism. 

However, the upside is that we have a lot of wonderful work to do! We have the joyful opportunity of bringing good news to so many people. 

As our conversation progressed, this person ended up sharing their background, perspective and experience with religion and spirituality. They shared about their spiritual life, about moments of transcendence, mystery and wonder. 

I believe there are people who are hungry for these conversations. I believe there are people who want, who might even need to hear the good news that we have to share. Let’s go out and share it!

Thanks be to God!