

Give thanks.

Sow seeds of gratitude.



Thanks giving is something that we plant and nurture in the garden of our lives, and that we get to plant and nurture in the lives of others. It is at the heart of what it means to be a Christian.

We are invited by the Giver of all good gifts to lean into this way of being, to deepen and cultivate this practice, so that gratitude becomes the lens through which we see the world.And I believe, if we really poured the time, energy and love into these plantings, if we really leaned into this practice, those seeds we planted will grow.

I wonder what will happen when those seeds grow. I wonder if your life would be different in any way. I wonder if yourrelationships would be different. I wonder if the world would be different.

I believe. I believe that when those seeds grow, the harvest willindeed be plentiful.

I believe this because when I have stopped to give thanks, I have realized how much I need others. When I have stopped to give thanks, I have found that I had more blessings than I thought I did. I have found myself moved to generosity – to share those blessings around.

Thanks be to God!