Since the first Monday in Easter, I have been reading through the book of Acts in 30 days. Now, almost at the halfway mark, I am feeling grateful for this nourishing practice. 

Every day, I read one chapter from Acts. This slow, steady diet has allowed me to really relish the stories. I read each short snippet 2, sometimes even 3 times each day, to really savour it, and allow the words to sink in. 

As I work my way through, I am reminded how many of my favourite stories are found in this book:


  • The Rise of the Deacons (Acts 6:1-6)
  • The Invitation of the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-39)
  • Sinner2Saint: The Saul/Paul Story (Acts 9:1-28)
  • The Centurion and the Picnic* (Acts 10)


*Titles imagined by me!

The Acts of the Apostles was written early in the life of the Church, reflecting on its origin and spread. It asks and wrestles with some important questions: what now? What does it look like to follow the resurrected and ascended Jesus? Who are we – the Church, the followers of Jesus; and who are we for? Acts is full of stories of identity and change, trying things for the first time and figuring stuff out. 

I think that this book is particularly relevant for us right now, because these are some of the same questions and themes that we have been wrestling with, both now, and even before this pandemic.  

I invite you to join with me in exploring the book of Acts, maybe reading every day, or perhaps just checking out some of the stories I mentioned above. I invite you to imagine where God might be calling us, through these accounts of those who have come before us – our spiritual ancestors and fellow members of Christ’s body, the Church. 


Thanks be to God!