“Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)


Take a deep breath in…

….and let it out. 


Breathe in the love of God…

…and breathe out anxiety.


Breathe in the love of God…

…and breathe out fear.


Breathe in the love of God…

…and breathe out all the things that are troubling you.


Breathe in the love of God…

…and keep breathing, until you are breathing out the love of God on the entire world. 


This prayer – and yes, it is prayer – is for you, for any time.


Breathe deeply and know that God is closer to you than your very breath. 

Breathe deeply and know that you have the Divine breath inside you.  

Breathe deeply and know that prayer might just be as simple as this. 

Breathe deeply and rest in the love of God. 


Thanks be to God!