Parish Council Draft Agenda March 21, 2021

Present: Rev. Cameron, David Hildreth, Karen Brumpton, Eve Brealey, Rita Carey, Anna Morgan, Stacey Spencer, Igor Martins Oliveira, Andrew Runciman, Edie Hildreth

Guest Observer: Sarah Braebrook Notetaker: Elaine Graham

Rev. Cameron welcomed everyone to the meeting.
The meeting began with a reading from 1Corinthians 12:12-27, followed by a prayer.

Review and Acceptance of Agenda
Moved by Karen seconded by Andrew that the agenda be accepted as presented- carried

Review and Acceptance of Past Minutes
Moved by Eve, seconded by Anna the minutes from the last meeting be accepted

Business Arising from Minutes all business will be covered in this meeting.

Financial Report

Eve presented the financial statements for February 2021 Igor volunteered to look at the technology costs

Moved by Eve, seconded by, Rita seconded that the financial reports be accepted as presented carried

Envelope Report

Rita presented the envelope report pledges are being covered; Rita has not spoken to those who are donating through Tith.ley but noted that not many people are using Tith.ley
Igor will assist in a platform for online donations

Fundraising + Stewardship

Purdy’s Easter Fundraiser update: to date there has been a profit of $265.00 Pam is researching DeVry’s plant sale

There was a conversation about how to do the Spring Fling in May during Covid. We could use a facebook style of platform for the plant sale.
A treasures/ rummage/swap/give away sale could be set up on line. People could make their own arrangements for pick up
or use the parking lot for pick up and drop off at set up times. There could be a page on the church website sending people to a social media platform.
Action piece: Andrew, Igor and Cameron to work on this,
Canon Donald Lawton has offered to do a knife sharpening fundraiser, perhaps it could go with the plant sale
possibly book on line to have a time for the knife sharpening or flag it for another time- make spaces for social distancing this event would have to be approved by the diocese is this an event or a service?

Idea for fundraising for summer Igor to take this idea to the wardens and Rev. Cameron


How sound music festival happened this past week, they will pay for the daily cleaning. Rev. Cameron asked how we can share our building with the community as our ministry.


Roof we have received one quote so far, David is working on getting a second quote.
We will apply for a grant from the diocese. The roof committee is made up of: Pam, Igor, Rev. Cameron and David.
Igor has a connection and will see if he can get a quote.

Internet- Shaw scheduled to come on Monday March 22. We will now wait and Elaine will connect with Igor about the needs of the church.

Memorial Bench in memory of Linda Halvorson this item will be tabled until the April meeting.

Cameron will check with the diocese to see what the covid policy is for this kind of an


Whistler Update - St. Bernard’s, a Ministry of St. John the Divine

The committee continues to meet. Thank you to Andrew for representing St. Bernard’s on the church council.

Staying Connected

Technology grant, we have spent $1,300.00 to date, balance of the grant is $700.00.

Ministry Groups

Music we still do not have a permanent church musician. We are looking for someone to lead music worship Rev. Cameron has connected with the HSPA to see if there are any students who might be interested in the position. It was suggested that connect be made with Squamish Academy of Music - Stacey volunteered to connect with SAM

Songs & a Story – children’s ministry on line program that Rev. Cameron is working on

** Some ideas for Easter:
Telephone tree phone calls for Easter - do a phone call check in and ask if they would like a social distance visit.
Possibly have Rev. Cameron outside the church for Easter Sunday
Some folks will be delivering Easter wishes and possibly jelly bean prayer .

Elaine, Stacey and Edie to connect about what we could possibly do / bring to others


Palm Sunday - people have been invited to send in pictures of their greenery crosses to Rev. Cameron for Palm Sunday

Holy Week; Good Friday Service; Easter the worship schedule is on the website. We are joining with the United Church and Darcy from the River church.

Easter Sunday we will not be gathering in person

St. Bart’s, Gibsons is without a priest and would like to get together for a Sunday shared ministry worship possibly via Zoom
Rev. Cameron will connect and set this up
there will be part of the service recorded so that people who are not able to join in with Zoom will be connected.

It was suggested that an information page be put on the website introducing St.


Bishop John Stephen Visitation: is scheduled to come to St. John the Divine for January 30, 2022

Other Business


Rev. Cameron thanked everyone for attending and participating this meeting and
invited members to reach out to him or the wardens with ideas for meeting improvements

Next Parish Council Meeting: April 25th at 11:30

Karen moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:53 Closing Prayer + Grace